3465. Airport prayers and goodbyes
3466. Lunch money
3467. Finally getting to meet an online friend in person
3468. Coffee with Grace at the cutest little coffee shop
3469. Meeting my Ecuador teammates
3470. Packing suitcases
3471. Worship and prayer at the Formans before leaving Florida
3472. Jamba Juice pit stop on the way to the airport
3473. Airport explorations
3474. A safe arrival in Quito
3475. My amazing Mom on her birthday
3476. Sunday morning worship with the team
3477. Lunch at Pastor Benjamin's
3478. Helping each other prep for the week
3479. The view of Quito from our bedroom at Casa Del Padre
3480. Our first day of Kids' programs
3481. Valentina
3482. Touring one of the oldest churches in Quito
3483. Singing in the church's balcony
3484. The view from the top of the viewing tower
3485. Dinner at Crepes and Waffles
3486. Edgar's mad bus driving skills
3487. Singing on the bus
3488. A bracelet from Melany
3489. Danny's laugh...that made all of us crack up
3490. Rachel - my backscratching, bus seat buddy
3491. Conversations in broken Spanish
3492. Luis and Andrea doing such an amazing job translating for us
3493. Watching the kids laugh at the skits
3494. Kids getting saved
3495. Team devotions
3496. The look on the street kids' faces when Kelley bought them ice cream
3497. Light shining through dark places
3498. The sweet kids in Carapungo
3499. Deanna
3500. Bible verses and sidewalk chalk
3501. Praying together
3502. The chance to combine missions + photography
3503. The church in Carapungo serving us food after our final program there
3504. Bittersweet goodbyes after our final day working with the kids in Quito
3505. The view from the top of the Quito Teleferico
3506. Shooting at Golden Hour
3507. Being above the clouds
3508. The amazing beauty of the earth God created
3509. {The Romans Doxology}
3510. Visiting the Equator!
3511. Colombian coffee on the Equator
3512. Market shopping
3513. Walking around downtown Quito
3514. Being serenaded by a mariachi band
3515. Sleeping in
3516. The open-ness of the church in Otovalo
3517. Warm blankets
3518. Devotions by the fire
3519. Ari and Lydia - the best roommates I could have ever asked for
3520. Tea and Doritos
3521. Anderson
3522. Lily translating for craft team 1
3523. God giving me the words I needed to teach the lessons when I had no idea what I was going to say
3524. The opportunity to visit the AIDs orphanage
3525. Our hearts breaking for what breaks Gods
3526. Shared tears
3527. Knowing that God is working things for His glory even when we can't understand
3528. Praying together on the rooftop
3529. A morning with Jordy
3530. Rachel and Lydia taking over the craft team for Ari and me for a day
3531. Esteban
3532. Josue
3533. Chifles
3534. Shopping with the roomies
3535. Reading through Romans
3536. Watching the sunrise from the balcony in Otovalo
3537. Making shields with the kids - one of their favorite crafts, and one of mine too
3538. A goodbye hug from Mateo
3539. Bracelets with our names on them
3540. Pastor Robertito
3541. A boat ride
3542. A safe drive through the mountains to the coast
3543. Air conditioned hotel rooms
3544. An afternoon at the beach
3545. Sand volleyball
3546. Sharing how God is working with the church in Esmereldes
3547. Arriving at camp!
3548. Some time to relax before the kids came
3549. Meeting "my" team (Verde!) for the week
3550. "Wave your flag"
3551. Martina and Andrea being fabulous translators for our week at camp
3552. And Dylan and Pamela being amazing helpers
3553. Sergio
3554. Daniel
3555. Anthony
3556. Matias
3557. Jeremias
3556. Genesis
3557. Camila
3558. Genesis
3559. Andrea
3560. Martina
3561. Braiding little girls' hair
3562. Cold showers
3563. The kitchen staff (Tomate!) cooking gluten free food for a few of us
3564. Ice cream runs
3565. Playing at the beach
3566. Random hugs from little people
3567. Melany
3568. The best lemonade ever
3569. Practical jokes
3570. Daniella
3571. Katy
3572. Capture the flag
3573. Four of our campers asking Jesus into their lives
3574. Answered prayer
3575. Water balloon fights
3576. S'mores around the campfire
3577. Last minute hugs from the kids that had become so dear to us
3578. Tears
3579. Goodbyes that will make hellos so much sweeter
3580. One last breakfast as a team
3581. A safe drive back to Quito
3582. Cool, mountain air
3583. A last dinner at Crepes and Waffles
3584. Andrea, Martin, Tommy, Martina, Braulio, Lily, and Kevin - the awesome translators that allowed us to communicate God's truths to the kids
3585. One last night at Casa Del Padre - the view would never get old
3586. The ability to sleep on airplanes
3587. Stepping back on US ground
3588. The 19 amazing people I got to call my team - Liz, Micah, Danny, Lydia, Ari, Rachel, Hayden, Philip, Ashley, Kelley, Michaela, Grace, Joseph, Morgan, Lizzie, Eddy, Hannah, Katrina, and Laura - I'd do it again with all of you in a heartbeat!
3589. Bible verses from Mom for everyday I was gone
3590. Talking to mom on the phone
3591. Being home
3592. Seeing my family
3593. Sleeping in my own bed
3594. A day off of work to recover
3595. Niece hugs
3596. Pizza
3597. Camping up North
3598. Swimming
3599. Little girls laughing
3600. Talks with mom
3601. Roasting marshmallows over the fire
3602. Brilliant sunsets
3603. Dan being home
3604. Playoff softball
3605. Family Twins game
3606. Apps at Applebees
3607. Errands with Ella
3608. Celebrating friends soon-to-be-born little ones
3609. All of us siblings sleeping at home on the same night
3610. Catching up with Leah
3611. Softball tournaments
3612. The traditional Old World Pizza after the tournament
I love this Meagan - so many memories!!! Did my heart good this morning to read this. :)