Monday, April 6, 2015

1,000 Gifts

"Sun’s rising after Resurrection Sunday on a Monday world where everything’s changed… Easter Monday faith believes that in impossible darks — impossible light sparks. Easter Monday faith believes that the tombs places of our life — are but womb places for new life. Easter Monday faith believes that Christ tenderly takes our doubts — and says touch my scars… This faith believes in stones that roll, in grave clothes that fall, in an Easter people who sing hard hallelujahs … because we believe in resurrections always coming."

3242. An afternoon chat with Dan
3243. Getting to eat breakfast with Bri and Whitty
3244. Playing at the park
3245. An afternoon walk
3246. Short-sleeve weather
3247. Tacos!
3248. Building Lego sets
3249. Getting off work early and going for a run
3250. Movie nights with Mom
3251. An evening with the Von Trapp singers
3252. After school Cherry Berry with the girls
3253. Dying Easter eggs
3254. Reading the Easter story
3255. A few days with the girlies
3256. Good Friday...I don't deserve this
3257. {this the power of the cross, Christ became sin for us}
3258. The promise of Sunday
3259. {You give the healing and grace our hearts always hunger for}

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