Sunday, January 17, 2016

1,000 Gifts

"Thanksgiving isn’t only a celebration when good things happen —- thanksgiving is a declaration that God is good no matter what happens."

4006. Parents who get up in the middle of the night for airport runs
4007. The goodness of God in working out every detail for me to be able to go back to Ecuador
4008. Making it through the massive check in line in time to make my flight
4009. Airport reunions
4010. Hanging out in the airport with Lydia for eight hours
4011. One last American meal before leaving the country...a burger and fries!
4012. Last minute messages from friends telling me that they will be praying for our team
4013. A safe, albeit late arrival, in Ecuador!
4014. The view from Casa del Padre
4015. Our first morning of kids' programs
4016. Seeing all of our translators again
4017. Sunshine and clear skies
4018. Reciting verses in Spanish
4019. Having Andrea and Taty on my team to translate
4020. A much needed after lunch nap
4021. Meeting the kids at our afternoon program
4022. Eating at all the familiar places
4023. Team devotions
4024. Being greeted with "Good morning, teacher"
4025. Little Ava running up and giving me a hug every time she saw me
4026. Practicing Spanish...
4027. ...and helping the kids practice their English
4028. Afternoon coffee runs
4029. Going to the back of the room during a skit and seeing Edgar there watching us!
4030. Time to just play with the kids
4031. A God who promises wisdom to those who ask for it
4032. Dinner with the translators at Andrea and Martín's house
4033. Joining in on Ecuadorian new year's traditions
4034. Photos and hugs and goodbyes with the kids in our Quito programs
4035. Market shopping with Lydia
4036. The amazing view from the top of the Teleferico...what an awesome God we serve
4037. New Year's Eve dinner at Pastor Benjamin's house
4038. "Spoons" with the team until midnight
4039. Going outside and watching fireworks and paper lanterns being set off all over Quito
4040. Spending New Year's Day in Otovalo
4041. The view from the balcony of Hostel Curinan
4042. Mochaccinos from the cuteste coffee shop in town
4043. Market finds
4044. A day of rest
4045. Playing volleyball with the team
4046. Going back to the church we worked with this summer and doing a program with the kids
4047. Playing with Jordy!
4048. Devotions and hot cocoa by the fireplace
4049. Saturday night service with the kids at Iglesia Inaquito
4050. Seeing some of our camp kids and helpers
4051. Sunday morning service in Carapungo...reconnecting with more kids that we had worked with in the summer
4052. The church's generosity in feeding us all
4053. Heading off on our Cuenca adventure
4054. Bible verses from Mom to read everyday
4055. A safe drive through the mountains
4056. Andres and Taty - our new translators
4057. People from the church fixing us dinner our first night in Cochapata
4058. A short afternoon hike
4059. Pastor Gonzales and his family
4060. The beauty of our surroundings
4061. A roof to keep us dry
4062. Being able to share the gospel with a group of single moms
4063. Their eagerness to hear what we were saying and spend time with us
4064. Holding babies
4065. Cooking out
4066. Warm showers
4067. Seeing how many older kids wanted to come to the kid's programs
4068. Sophie and her huge smile
4069. When I can use my camera to connect with kids
4070. The opportunity to plant seeds of truth in the lives of children
4071. The promise that God's Word will not return void
4072. And the reminder that God does the saving, we just need to be faithful in doing the telling
4073. Playing soccer with the kids after the program
4074. The book of Romans
4075. Having Andrea and Darren come work with us for an afternoon
4076. A time of prayer with Pastor Gonzales
4077. Sleeping in a real bed after camping
4078. {The Testimony and example of Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, and the other three missionaries who gave their lives in Ecuador...he is no fool to give what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose}
4079. A little time to explore Cuenca with our sweet translators
4080. A final dinner at Tommy and Martina's house
4081. Playing games together
4082. One last night together as a team
4083. Airport food vouchers
4084. Having Lydia with me on the flight home...she's the best roomie/travel buddy I could ask for
4085. Starbucks!
4086. Finally making it home
4087. Family hugs
4088. Sleeping in
4089. Good talks with mom
4090. Papa John's pizza for bad, but so so good
4091. Sorting out souvenirs and gifts
4092. Going back to work
4093. Warm cocoa on freezing cold days
4094. Catching up with Rachel
4095. Thursday with Whittie and Bri
4096. Movie nights
4097. Friday errands with mom
4098. Game night with Ted, Sarah, Kara, Christina, and Daniel

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