"Look at the nations and watch- and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told." {Habakkuk 1:5}
Since we only had afternoon programs Tuesday-Thursday, we spent Monday and Friday afternoons exploring parts of Quito. There was a very European feel to some of the streets.
We visited this beautiful church on Monday afternoon. We all sang Amazing Grace in the balcony, the acoustics were incredible, and it sounded so cool.
The cathedral had several different viewing balconies, as well as a staircase up to one of the spires, and the views were just stunning.
Love this girl
It was SO awesome to be on the trip with Rachel. I met her at the Passion 4 Christ Summit last fall, and found out that she had been on the Ecuador trip last year. I peppered her with questions. She patiently answered all of them, and after several emails and phone calls, I had signed up for the trip.
Some of the girls that made the trek to the top!
The stairs were a little...interesting.
Me and Ashley <3
The downtown area was beautiful. There is so much color in Latin American cities.
There were little bands of shoeshiners everywhere in downtown. It didn't matter if you were wearing flip flops, they would come up and ask if they could shine your shoes. Micah obliged them, and after he payed them, they immediately ran over to an older man and handed their money over to him. It was so sad to see they state in which they lived.
Just two little boys, all alone in a busy city.
Kelley had the awesome idea to buy them ice cream. It made them so happy.
On Friday, we rode the Teleferico (basically a ski gondola) up to the top of a mountain and got a bird's eye view of Quito.
Grace and I love heights!
It was so neat to hear a mariachi band playing at one of the restaurants we ate at.
On Saturday, we visited the Equator!
There are a bunch of little shops all around the equator. Some people went shopping, but a few of us found this sweet little Colombian coffee shop. Any coffee shop that has shelves of old cameras is pretty awesome.
After the Equator, we headed to the market and did some shopping. It was fun to barter for the best deals.
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