Monday, October 21, 2013

1,000 Gifts

"The trees down through the woods filled all summer with sun and now they spill with it.The trees of the fields, they dance now with the glory before Him. In October, what is real is seen: even the trees burn with primeval fire for their Maker... Now is not the time to be demure in joy.  In October any wonderful unexpected thing might be possible. Joy isn’t ever in a season, but in the way we see. His Grace, His mercy, His love — saturating everything."

1788. Celebrating birthdays
1789. Playing four on a couch with the family
1790. Trees ablaze in all their colored glory
1791. Absolutely perfect, fleeting days of Autumn
1792. Little chalk drawings on the driveway
1793. Friends getting engaged
1794. Spur-of-the-moment parties
1795. Windows down, and wind blowing through my hair
1796. The smell of the heat, just coming on in the morning
1797. Listening to the work that God is doing in Estonia
1798. Apple slices
1799. Borrowed studio lighting
1800. Practicing my cello
1801. Little girls asleep on my bedroom floor
1802. A fixed car
1802. Fresh flowers on the table
1803. Leaf piles
1804. {This reminder - make your life count}
1805. The beautiful little babies I get to photograph at work
1806. Trying new recipes
1807. Dan meeting me half way to bring me my cello bow
1808. Running through the woods, playing capture the flag with friends
1809. The sun sinking over the hills
1810. Watching the Cardinals earn a spot in the World Series at B-Dubs with the family
1811. Ironing and chatting with Leah
1812. Submitting the Thailand promo video to the Film Festival!

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