Monday, December 3, 2012

1,000 Gifts

When grace delivers you, then action defines you. When grace takes you in right where you are, then you act out your gratitude wherever you are. Random acts of kindness is the action plan of God’s people. Thanksgiving is action de grace in French —  and after Thanksgiving comes Christmas and after grace comes action, and we don’t occasionally give thanks to feel good but we live thanks to routinely do good.

987. "Everything Jesus went through on that cross, was a horrible debt that I owe."
988. Christmas lights
989. Canned cranberries
990. Lazy nights watching movies
991. Baking with Mom
992. My new camera bag!
993. Surprise "just because" gifts from Mom
994. The seasonal jingle of "Silver bells" while out running errands
995. Ponds frozen over, waiting to be skated on
996. Taco salad...the best.lunch.ever
997. {Giving water in Jesus' name}
998. A slow afternoon to read a book 
999. "It's a Wonderful Life" at the Phipps Theater
1000. "And this is the marvel of marvels, that He called me beloved." {C.S. Lewis}
1001. Counting 1,000 gifts...learning to "hear life sing"{"this giving thanks for one thousand things, it' invitation to slow down with weight of full attention. You can hear your life sing - when you still."}
1002. A fun afternoon with friends at the craft show
1003. Dinner and "settling" in Bri and Dana's new house

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