Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Mexico {Week 1: Friday - Carlsbad Caverns!}

About half of the Normandale families flew into El Paso, and the other half drove down. Friday morning, all of the flyers (except the Glerums who were flying standby) departed. Friday afternoon, the families who drove down, as well as us workers, took a little road trip into New Mexico to tour Carlsbad Caverns National Park. The beauty we saw was well worth the drive!

While posing for this photo, a bird flew over and messed on my head...gross! :/

The last bit of light as we descended into the cave

I'll let these next photos speak for themselves...

"O Lord, how manifold are Your works! In wisdom You have made them all. The earth is full of Your possessions..." Psalm 104:24-25

From MN to NM :)

Just being goofy...

Seeing how far rocks can be thrown must totally be a guy thing...

Jessie, Allie, and Me

The scenery surrounding Carlsbad

While we walking through the cave, we felt a little bit like we were walking through a scene in Lord of the Rings. Joe humored us by playing Gollum. :)

***Later this afternoon I'm heading out of town for a few days, so no more blogging till Monday!***

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