Saturday, July 10, 2010


My friend Amanda has been saying we should go on a photo shoot ever since I got back from IPS. When we were at Como together the other day, I was scouting out some places to take Bri and Dana’s family photos, so we had a chance to do a mini-portrait session.

A typical photo with Amanda would go like this: I would pose her, then she would start laughing, then she would smile. I would put the camera up, and she would say, “wait, no, stop. don’t take it yet”. Then she would start giggling again, saying something about how much she disliked pictures of herself, and making me promise that I would delete it if she didn’t like it. After I would agree, she would smile again, and finally, I would click the shutter button.

This last photo was Amanda’s favorite. I love it because the green in the background matches the color of her eyes.
Amanda, I had  fun doing this (even though it was short). You were a good sport,
 and as always, you kept me laughing… =D

After I was done with Amanda, I took a few of her youngest brother, Timothy…


  1. I love #2 and #4 of Amanda! She is so cute (that’s for you, Amanda, if you’re reading this)! ;) And Meagan, that first one of Timothy is a.d.o.r.a.b.l.e!

  2. Funny that you should say that, Christina…Amanda, actually asked me to delete those off the post =)

  3. BTW, that’s an awesome font you have for “Carpe Diem Photography” on the pics of Amanda.
